
Göttingen minipigs

We collect and share data about Göttingen Minipigs to support scientists in their research.


Build or expand your knowledge on Göttingen Minipigs histology and pathology

Whether you are new to Göttingen Minipigs in biomedical research or have years of experience working with them, you might find this page interesting. Use it to build your basics on histology and pathology or learn about fellow scientists' findings within specific areas of research. Explore the MR/CT imaging atlases of Göttingen Minipigs and their brain. Or use the reference work for vehicle systems and routes of administration to help build your study.

Recommended papers 2024

The collection includes

  • ADME and PK/PD
  • Biomaterial
  • Cardiovascular
  • Immunology
  • Metabolism
  • Methods
  • Neuro
  • Novel Modalities
  • Ocular
  • Toxicology and Safety

Recommended papers

Download a selection of papers grouped into topics to illustrate areas in which Göttingen Minipigs have excelled.

The list of topics and papers is far from exhaustive but includes a selection of papers with a more general approach, which have contributed to the general understanding and characterisation of Göttingen Minipigs as a large animal model

Atlases of CT/MRI scans

Gain access to detailed CT/MRI scans of Göttingen Minipigs from both sexes and at different ages. 

CT scan

MR and CT Imaging Atlas

A comprehensive imaging atlas presenting detailed information about the physiology of Göttingen Minipigs has been made available for anyone interested in the anatomical evolution of Göttingen Minipigs.

Brain atlas

Atlas of the Göttingen Minipigs brain

A comprehensive selection of histological sections of the Göttingen Minipigs brain paired with MRI scans.

CT scan

MR and CT Imaging Atlas

A comprehensive imaging atlas presenting detailed information about the physiology of Göttingen Minipigs has been made available for anyone interested in the anatomical evolution of Göttingen Minipigs.

Brain atlas

Atlas of the Göttingen Minipigs brain

A comprehensive selection of histological sections of the Göttingen Minipigs brain paired with MRI scans.

Resources on formulation and dosing

Learn about practical information on formulation and dosing in Göttingen Minipigs.

Specific customer requirements

Vehicle Systems and Excipients Used in Minipig Drug Development Studies

This meta article contains a broad catalog of used vehicles and excipients, indexing the findings and plenty of references for further investigation.


Routes of administration

A technical guide with the most basal dosing routes in Göttingen Minipigs incl. instructions in training and handling.

Specific customer requirements

Vehicle Systems and Excipients Used in Minipig Drug Development Studies

This meta article contains a broad catalog of used vehicles and excipients, indexing the findings and plenty of references for further investigation.


Routes of administration

A technical guide with the most basal dosing routes in Göttingen Minipigs incl. instructions in training and handling.


The RETHINK project

A comprehensive study that has redefined the use of minipigs in regulatory toxicity testing, highlighting the minipig’s potential as a relevant model for safety testing.

Minipigs as models for the toxicity testing of new medicines and chemicals: An impact assessment

The RETHINK project, is a comprehensive initiative aimed at evaluating the use of minipigs in regulatory toxicity testing. The project assembled expert study groups to review five different areas relating to the use of minipigs in regulatory safety testing. The findings suggested that there were no specific areas where restrictions to the use of minipigs in toxicology were required for welfare reasons. The minipig model was generally acceptable to regulatory authorities, provided it was adequately justified. The minipig was found to be an interesting model for safety testing due to numerous anatomical, physiological, genetic, and biochemical similarities to humans. In addition, many features of the minipig made it a practical and flexible model for safety testing. 

Available in-house data for download

Below are listed different parameters in Göttingen Minipigs that have been recorded in-house and in collaboration with experts.

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